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 احل ميجات بلغة الاجنبية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ليفر حنوش
ليفر حنوش

المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/11/2008
الموقع : سوريا

احل ميجات بلغة الاجنبية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: احل ميجات بلغة الاجنبية   احل ميجات بلغة الاجنبية I_icon_minitimeالأحد نوفمبر 23, 2008 12:45 pm

words begain with a.b.c nombers begain with 1.2.3 music begain with true love its you&me BaHBaaaaaaak -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IN THE MORNING I CAN'T SLEEP CUZ I MISS U IN THE NOON I CAN'T EAT CUZ I MISS YOU IN THE NIGHT I CAN'T SLEEP CUZ AM HUNGRY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- And God money love loved. Other. Delight (bshoufk) make happy and. (jeeatk) . O Wana poem (ént) friend. A poet. Sweetens the hair in description to me . And in self. (want) and yesterday and day. Early. And what deviated a housing changed in cardiac. And greeted. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- who loses money loses much who loses a freind loses much more who loses faith loses much much more but who loses you lose all -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- you're the rainbow after the rain you're the smile when im in pain when im crippled you lend a hand im so blessed you are my friend.. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Year 1427 is on the way "wish U" "HAPPY NEW YEAR" Soft as Silk Wite as Milk Sweet as Honey and Full of Love and Money -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- We have been friends for years. In that time we have shared many tears. You are always the first person I call When my back is against the wall. There have been numerous good times too, I am grateful I found a friend in you. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm looking for :: one honest heart ..that i can believe in ...two loveing arms,,that will never let me go good man that I can count on ;;;;; it shouldn't be so hard ,,,finding one honest heart.....LOVE YOU -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- it`s a nice feeling when u know some one love u someone miss u someone need u but it feels much better when u know someone ever never will forget u and that`s me a gift for my love
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احل ميجات بلغة الاجنبية
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